CDA is constantly looking for new ways to support members in their practices and has created a new subsidiary called The Dentists Service Company (TDSC), which has been approved by the CDA House of Delegates.
TDSC will support members with the business side of their practices and help them be more competitive and efficient. While ensuring all clinical-care decisions and practice ownership remain with dentists, TDSC plans to offer group purchasing of supplies, practice advising, marketing, human resources and assistance with forming group practices.
“Members have expressed a strong interest in CDA pursuing a management services company,” said CDA President Walter Weber, DDS. “We are committed to building TDSC to support members’ needs with a goal of helping them achieve efficiencies in their practices.”
During the next couple of years, TDSC will be in a development phase. Following that, TDSC’s services will be available to all CDA members, both general dentists and specialists, and the group-purchasing option will be accessible, along with existing Practice Support resources, as a CDA member benefit. “We are very excited about TDSC and the new opportunities it will provide to members — all coming from a trusted source, CDA,” Weber said.
CDA has a long history of responding to member needs — from the malpractice crisis that led to TDIC’s formation in 1980 to the more recent creation of CDA Practice Support and Practice Advising. As CDA moves forward with TDSC’s development and implementation process, we will continue to share information with members in the CDA Update, e-newsletter and on